This Day in History for Kids is a year-long tour through historical events political and cultural, trivial and profound.
This Day in History for Kids: 1,001 Remarkable Moments and Fascinating Facts by Dan Bova, illustrated by Russell Shaw. Hearst Home Kids, 2024, 220 pages.

Reading Level: Middle Grades, ages 8-10
Recommended for: ages 9-14
“On this day in history . . .” you’re bound to hear or read some fascinating facts. As I’ve often thought, history is like a rich archaeological dig: shove your spade anywhere and you’re bound to come up with something of interest. This lavishly-illustrated compendium is published under the auspices of the History Channel, so there’s going to be lots of WWII facts. But not an overwhelming amount. Most of the events featured are relatively recent (20th and 21st-Century), and USA-based, with the majority focused on cultural milestones: origin of the burrito, Jaws premiere, release of Donkey Kong, and the like. Also “National Days” that pass by unnoticed by most of us, like National Hot Dog Day. But significant political, scientific, and religious events receive their due as well.
The main drawback of such random collections is the very randomness, making it hard for readers who don’t know much history to determine what’s truly significant. Also, the book gives a few obligatory nods to the LGBTQ agenda, noting June as Pride month and the date of the Obergefell decision. Overall, though, it’s a fun browse that’s more celebratory than not about our country’s founding and development. Historical characters like the Founders are treated with respect and not too much goofiness. Each month concludes with a blank page for readers to add notable events of their own lives, but as this will probably be a library borrow, I wouldn’t advise that.
Overall Rating: 3.75
- Worldview/moral value: 3.5
- Artistic/literary value: 4
Read more about our ratings here.
Also at Redeemed Reader:
- Reflection: Janie ponders the question, Is Historical Fiction Dead?
- Resource: Great History Authors for Kids.
- Reviews: Betsy looks at the Wicked History series. Also see our reviews of the Graphic Novel History and Who HQ series.
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