Growing Patterns, Mysterious Patterns, and the Power of Snow

If fractals, Fibonacci numbers, and powers of multiplication aren’t exciting to you, you need these three books and a long walk outside.

Growing Patterns by Sarah C. Campbell, photos by Sarah C. Campbell and Richard P. Campbell. Boyds Mills Press, 2010. 32 pages.

Mysterious Patterns by Sarah C. Campbell, photos by Sarah C. Campbell and Richard P. Campbell. Boyds Mills Press, 2014. 32 pages.

growing patterns

When you think of patterns you might imagine plaid, stripes, or circle-square-circle-square, but how often do you ponder the pattern in a pinecone? Are shapes in nature “messier” than common shapes we find in cities?

Actually, creation is a LOT more complex than we notice at first glance. We see “fractals,” shapes consisting of smaller parts that look like the whole shape. Trees, Queen Anne’s lace, lighting, rivers, leaves, lungs…and that’s just the beginning.

Do you know that the Golden Spiral is embedded in God’s design in creation? How about broccoli? Do you know that the heads are fractals? Once you understand what fractals are, you will look for them everywhere.

mysterious patterns

Although Mysterious Patterns and Growing Patterns don’t credit God for the amazingness of math in the beauty of nature (yes, there’s mention of millions of years), it’s hard for me to miss His fingerprints of design in these books.

Growing Patterns begins with counting flower petals. Seems simple, right? Well, there’s a pattern that is simple enough to explain to a young child once you notice it, and Campbell does so admirably. Growing Patterns is written for a younger audience than Mysterious Patterns, but both are ideal to look at, talk about, and then take the ideas for a walk outside.

Buy Growing Patterns from amazon.
Buy Mysterious Patterns from amazon.

The Power of Snow by Bob Raczka, illustrated by Bryony Clarkson. Millbrook Press, 2023, 32 pages.

power of snow

Then there are powers, the mind-boggling calculation that is observable and delightful in a snowfall. The text and illustrations in this book show how a couple of flakes falling in a backyard rapidly compound and how the creatures respond to winter. The text is as lyrical as a simple counting book, but instead of one through ten, we begin with two and (almost) end with 16,384. You don’t have to explain it all to enjoy the effect as the pages blur with more snowflakes than anyone can count, anyway.

Pair this with your favorite snow-themed picture books for a story tea.

Buy this book from amazon.

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Megan Saben

Megan is Associate Editor for Redeemed Reader, and she loves nothing more than discovering Truth and Story in literature. She is the author of Something Better Coming, and is quite particular about which pottery mug is best suited to her favorite hot drinks throughout the day. Megan lives with her husband and five boys in Virginia.

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