Those who love dragons and long for more lore will find this field guide an excellent companion.
Dragonology: The Complete Book of Dragons, 20th Anniversary Edition. Candlewick, 2021. 32 pages
- Reading Level: Picture books, Ages 8-10, ages 10-12
- Recommended For: Ages 8-12

I firmly believe that there were once fire-breathing dragons, though I’m probably thankful that I don’t have any in my back yard. (If you’re curious about my reasoning, I’d be happy to share.) In graduate school I wrote on the taming of dragons, beginning in stories written in the 20th century, but there is such a fascination to the traditional legends about their fierceness and wisdom, isn’t there?
Would you rather battle dragons or befriend them?
Thus the charm of Dragonology. Dr. Ernest Drake is the acclaimed dragonologist whose introductory letter and library card are just the beginning of the ephemera in this book. How to gain study dragons after gaining their trust, the international varieties and preferred habitats of each species, scientific diagrams and wing membrane specimens, life cycle, behavior, and considerations when working with dragons in person or laboratory (though preservation of dragons is most preferable), are all included. It’s quite fun.
The format of the book is not quite oversized, but the paper appears aged and singed, and the book includes a foldout map, flaps to lift, and samples (as previously mentioned) of “wing membrane” and “dragon dust” (glitter). Recommended for anyone who loves fantasy, whether in literature or on screens.
- Worldview: Evolution is mentioned (which could be considered as imaginatively fictitious as the rest of the book).
Read more about our ratings here.
Recommended Reading at Redeemed Reader
- Book Review: Dragons and Dragonslayers by Tim Chester
- Resource: Here Be Dragons! A Mega Fantasy and Sci-Fi Booklist for all ages
- Book Review: John Ronald’s Dragons: The Story of J.R.R. Tolkien by Caroline McAlister. A picture book biography
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