Mr. Darcy & Miss Tilney Mysteries (Books 1 & 2) by Claudia Gray

Mysteries involving Jane Austen characters? That is the premise of Claudia Gray’s recent mystery series suitable for mature teen readers as well as adults.

As I observed several years ago, reading books for YA readers takes time. Books can stretch to almost 400 pages, and voracious readers need books faster than I can type! But step away from the YA section to the shelves of adult mysteries, and here are some books that could be enjoyed by older teens. Granted, they are not without considerations, as noted below. However, I found them far more enjoyable and less problematic than many YA novels I have picked up lately (hmm, this looks good, shall research it … polyamorist relationships? No, not for our readers! Back to browsing …)

Claudia Gray’s new Mr. Darcy and Miss Tilney series* is a creative reimagining of Jane Austen set in a classic mystery genre formula. The two first books in the series could be enjoyable for readers 16 and older, given some considerations. (See more below.)

*Please note, this is an on-going series and our review only covers the two books published as of August, 2023. We cannot speak for where the series is going, so please exercise discernment regarding future installments.

Mr. Darcy and Miss Tilney, Book 1

Mr. Darcy & Miss Tilney Mysteries by Claudia Gray

The Murder of Mr. Wickam by Claudia Gray. Vintage, 2022. 387 pages.

Imagine if Catherine Tilney had a daughter, and Darcy and Elizabeth had a son. Now imagine a country house party with these two offspring and a host of other Jane Austen characters. Add Mr. Wickam to the party and …. Murder. Regency constables aren’t known for their sleuthing, but teenaged Miss Tilney and young Mr. Darcy find themselves unlikely allies, intent on solving this crime. Written in a style reminiscent of Austen, The Murder of Mr. Wickam was a pleasure to read.

Claudia Gray enjoys exploring the Regency mind, and she adds some modern elements such as a plot thread involving homosexuality. Exploring the idea of homosexuality while maintaining the prevailing Regency’s Christian worldview in most of her characters can lead to some uncomfortable musing and conversations about God and His nature. Still, Gray’s characters are interesting and feel like fair portrayals of what would happen, several years down the road, if Jane Austen’s characters had encountered each other! As for her young detectives, Miss Tilney is sweet, but Mr. Jonathan Darcy shines. An awkward young man, who is clearly on the autism spectrum, he struggles with all the expectations and unspoken rules of the Regency world. Gray does a wonderful, sympathetic job creating his character, and his growing friendship with Miss Tilney is a delight. For mature young adults who enjoyed reading Jane Austen and love a good mystery, this is an enjoyable start to the series.


  • Mild British Cursing (I remember a couple occasions of language, though Gray, like Jane Austen, often uses dashes to imply her words.)
  • Sexuality (Married couples enjoying being married is implied on several occasions, homosexuality features as a thread of the plot -see above- and the threat of sexual violence is implied.)

Overall Rating: 3.5 (out of 5)

  • Worldview/moral value: 3.5
  • Artistic/literary value: 4
Mr. Darcy and Miss Tilney, Book 2

The Late Mrs. Willoughby by Claudia Gray. Vintage, 2023. 390 pages.

Miss Tilney and Mr. Darcy return in this second book. As the first book concluded primly, their friendship forged on a mystery couldn’t continue in proper society, so of course they didn’t write each other. (There were RULES in the Regency, and Gray gleefully adheres to them!) Now, both young protagonists find themselves house guests in the world of Sense and Sensibility. Before long, another murder has been committed and again, they are thrown together. But who did it? Let the sleuthing begin, this time hampered by good intentions, village gossip, and maybe, just maybe … feelings? An enjoyable book with many red herrings, The Late Mrs. Willoughby ends with the promise of more* and not enough resolution for our young detectives!


  • Mild British Cursing (I remember a couple occasions of language, though Gray, like Jane Austen, uses dashes to imply her words.)
  • Trauma (One character is suffering from panic attacks due to events in the previous novel.)
  • Sexuality (Infidelity is referenced and its attempt implied due to a certain Austen scoundrel, but it goes nowhere.)
  • Sensuality (As feelings grow between the young protagonists, young Mr. Darcy finds himself musing on the nature of love and desire)

Overall Rating: 4 (out of 5)

  • Worldview/moral value: 4
  • Artistic/literary value: 4

Read more about our ratings here.

*Please note, this is an on-going series and our review only covers the two books published as of August, 2023. We cannot speak for where the series is going, so please exercise discernment regarding future installments.

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Hayley Morell

Born in a library and raised by books, or rather, raised by a book-loving family, Hayley loves talking and writing about books. She lives in the middle of Wisconsin and works with children as well as with words.

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