Editor’s Note: During this month’s Honey for a Child’s Heart Read-Along, we’ll consider Chapter 2: “Milk and Honey,” and Chapter 15: “First Books for Readers.” Let’s get in the mood with Gladys Hunt’s thoughts on what makes a good balance of the wholesome and the sweet:

Honey Ratio
Originally published on Tumblon, September 12, 2008.
Many years ago Erich Fromm wrote in The Art of Loving that children need two things: milk and honey. Both are necessary to thrive as human beings. Milksymbolizes the necessities—like good food, brushing your teeth, drinking your milk and plenty of sleep. Honey is just as important. It means finding sweetness in life, like beauty and goodness that nourishes the inner person. Fromm goes on to say that most parents are good at providing milk, but only a minority provide the honey that children need. Life is more than meat and potatoes! This is an idea that should stimulate and challenge parents to think about the way they use each day. Consider your own family “honey ratio.”
If you are going to give honey it means you need to love honey and have some in your life to give to your children. Where do you find honey? Good books are full of honey. That’s why children say, “Read it again!” when you’ve already read the story twice. It reminds me of the proverb that says Pleasant words are like a honeycomb; sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Children know.
© Gladys M. Hunt 2008-10, reissued in 2022 with minor adjustments with permission of the Executor of the Literary Estate of Gladys M. Hunt (4194 Hilton SE, Lowell, MI 49331). Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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