From Here to There: Inventions that Changed the Way the World Moves by Vivian Kirkfield, illustrated by Gilbert Ford. HM, 2021, 82 pages plus notes, bibliography, and index.

Reading Level: Picture Book, ages 8-10
Recommended for: ages 7-12
It still seems hard to believe that, up until about 220 years ago, humans could travel no faster than a horse could run. But with the understanding of simple aerodynamics and steam power came a revolution in transport that hasn’t yet seen its limits. Nine easy to understand chapters explore large and small inventions that changed the way we move. Some of these are well known, like the Montgolfier Brothers’ hot-air balloon and George Stephenson’s steam locomotive. But who invented the collapsible wheelchair? Or interstate bus travel?
One of the most fascinating chapters introduces Bertha Benz, whose husband patented one of the earliest gasoline-powered automobiles. But he hesitated to take it on the road, fearing some calamity. So early one morning, Bertha took her two sons on a 60-mile jaunt to visit her mother. The trip, with many delays for maintenance and refueling, caused a sensation throughout the German countryside, but also proved that autos could be operated safely, even by ladies.
Illustrations are brash and childlike, though often charming. From Here to There is an entertaining way to appreciate the many ways we have to go.
Overall Rating: 4 (out of 5
- Worldview/moral value: 3.5
- Artistic/literary value: 4.25
Rescuing Titanic: a True Story of Quiet Bravery in the North Atlantic by Flora Delargy. Wide-Eyed Editions, 2021, 75 pages.

Reading Level: Picture Book, ages 7-9
Recommended for: ages 6-12
On April 11, 1912, the RMS Carpathia set sail from New York, bound for the Mediterranean via Gilbralter. With a full complement of crew, passengers, and cargo, she steamed quietly through the North Atlantic. On a calm night three days later the telegraph operator received a distress call addressed to all ships: WE HAVE STRUCK AN ICEBERG AND SINKING. More than one ship received the call. Only the Carpathia responded.
The text doesn’t explain why, but makes clear that it was a dangerous mission, steering among icebergs at an imprudent 17 knots. To add to the tension, messages from the Titanic were increasingly desperate. By the time the Carpathia arrived, Titanic had already sunk below the waves. But thanks to Captain Rostron’s quick and decisive action, all 706 lifeboat passengers were saved. Simple but dramatic illustrations enhance a seldom-told side of this familiar story, and the informative text adds plenty of detail for the factually-minded.
Overall Rating: 4 (out of 5)
- Worldview/moral value: .3.5
- Artistic/literary value: 4
Hope at Sea: An Adventure Story by Daniel Miyares. Anne Schwartz Books (PRH), 2021, 44 pages

Reading Level: Picture Book, ages 4-8
Recommended for: ages 4-10
“Whenever my world feels small, I turn to the sea.” Hope is the daughter of a New England sea captain, ca. 1840. Though just a girl she has an adventurous soul—so, once Pap’s new clipper ship is ready to sail, she sneaks on board. By the time Papa discovers her it’s too late to turn back. Hope is in for six months of hard work, starry nights, exotic ports and terrifying storms. In one of these, the ship runs aground on a rocky shore, and their situation seems desperate. But hope intervenes.
A simple narrative complements the lavish ink and water-color illustrations of a ship under sail and at port, with detailed glimpses into the sailing life. The greatness of the ocean and the courage of deepwater sailors should impress even the littlest landlubbers.
Overall Rating: 4
- Worldview/moral value: 3.5
- Artistic/literary value: 4.5
Read more about our ratings here.
Also at Redeemed Reader:
Reviews: Machines in Motion is an excellent systematic look at transportation through the ages. Bertha Takes a Drive is a closer look at Frau Benz’ historic jaunt. As for the world’s most famous doomed ship, see our reviews of Titanic Sinks! and Titanic: Voices from the Disaster.
Recource: “Go Build Something!” is our master list of recent engineering books for all ages.
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