We are fans of BOOKS here at Redeemed Reader, to be sure. But we are also interested in raising up the next generation of writers who write for God’s glory. Sometimes books are the best resource for educating young people. Sometimes, though, video is better.
I am a former classroom educator. I currently educate my own three teenagers at home (plus the occasional additional student). Each of the courses below would work for either scenario (including a co-op scenario); they are also ideal enrichment options for those wishing to supplement their teen’s school education. I highly recommend them! Perhaps just as importantly, my teens recommend them, too.
Fine print: We are affiliates with Compass Classroom. They graciously provided me with access to several of the courses below for free in return for a fair review. Fun fact: I’m a paying member of The Habit, the membership site for Jonathan Rogers. As such, I’ve experienced the live version of the classes from Jonathan Rogers as well. I can truthfully say his classes are worth the money, but I’m delighted that Compass Classroom has granted me free access to the revised, edited versions. Compass Classroom links are affiliate links; read more about our policy here.

Grammar for Writers – Jonathan Rogers (1/2 credit)
I’ve written about my love for Grammar for Writers previously here at Redeemed Reader. I continue to reference this course, as do my teens, and I continue to recommend it! Perfect for upper middle grades through high school, Rogers wittily and concisely explains grammar in a way that makes sense. Note: it is best if your students have a basic grasp of grammatical concepts before taking this course. If you join The Habit, you will have access to this course. Grammar for Writers is also available through Compass Classroom. I strongly recommend purchasing the lecture notes and quizzes (available through Compass Classroom), regardless of which venue you use to access the course.
Creative Writing Courses – Jonathan Rogers (1/2 credit)
Several times a year, Rogers teaches a creative writing course based on a book. These are not literature courses (although participants will come to understand the given book much better!); instead, they focus on how an author writes and what we can learn about the craft of writing from closely examining the book. How did Harper Lee write To Kill a Mockingbird? What are the strengths of her writing as seen in the book? What about C. S. Lewis’s technique in the Narnia Chronicles? How did Tolkien build his world in The Hobbit? Students can even learn as Rogers unpacks his own Bark of the Bog Owl.
To date, my teens and I have taken Writing Through the Wardrobe, Writing with Atticus, Writing with Hobbits, Writing with the Bog Owl. We dabbled in Pride and Prejudice (this past spring), are looking ahead to the Anne of Green Gables course this fall, and can’t wait to see what else Rogers tackles (he’s currently finishing up a course on Jeeves and Wooster). Members of The Habit will be able to take each course live as it is offered; Rogers often offers a special student cohort option alongside the adult membership version. For those who want to dip into the older classes, the versions offered through Compass Classroom are lovely. (Habit members also have access to older materials, but the full membership, including the forum, is really more for adults.) According to Compass Classroom, 4 of these course together is worth 1/2 a high school credit.
The School of Fantastical Wordcraft for Aspiring Writers and Word Pirates – N D Wilson
Nine short lessons cover the entire writing process from plot and world building through to genre and market. Wilson is entertaining and witty on screen, and teens eat it up. But Wilson’s succinct delivery hides a mountain of creative writing tips, tricks, and practices. Each lesson concludes with plenty of suggestions for putting his suggestions into actual practice. In fact, even watching a lesson a week might push the pace too fast if students have other English work to keep up with. Plenty of observational exercises, writing exercises, and the like will help students hone their craft. This is a good course to do as a small group, whether with siblings or friends in the summer or as part of a larger, traditional English class; it would be perfect for a homeschool co-op writing course as well. Where Rogers drills down into the nitty gritty of a particular paragraph or concept, Wilson takes a big picture view. They are marvelous complements, but this course is probably more accessible to those who don’t already consider themselves “writers.” DVD format also means that delivery isn’t dependent on streaming, sometimes an issue for those in schools or co-ops. Purchase from Canon Press.
Word Up! – Dwane Thomas
Better vocabulary means better writing. Even our reading comprehension is improved by a good grasp of vocabulary! While reading itself will boost our vocabulary, a little drilling down in root words is helpful, too. Dwane Thomas hilariously—but effectively—helps students get to know Latin and Greek roots and their many applications in these short video lessons. Forget the vocabulary workbooks; work one of these in for enrichment each week. Your students will thank you, and they will probably remember their vocabulary words better anyway! You can purchase through Compass Classroom. There is a volume 2, as well. (Note: some of you may be familiar with Thomas from his Visual Latin courses.)
Foundations in Personal Finance: High School Edition for Self-Study – Dave Ramsey (1/2 credit)
Personal finance isn’t exactly instruction in writing, but stay with me. Everyone needs to take this course! In addition to rock solid advice, a history of finance terms and trends, and terrific practical assignments, Dave is just a delight to watch and listen to. He’s funny, wise, and a straight-talker; your teens will find this one of the most helpful courses they take in high school. My teens took this together, so it was more “small-group-study” than “self-study.” But discussing the concepts together greatly enhanced their experience and takeaway (as well as their requests to do work around the house for pay. Ahem). The next time your son or daughter announces their career plan as “author,” you might remind them that Dave encourages a solid emergency fund and a solid career plan. Not that author is a bad plan, but sometimes a little does of reality helps, um, hone the vision. The course goes on sale regularly, so if you can’t afford the full price, sign up for Dave’s newsletter and just wait. It would be worth the full price, though! Purchase from Ramsey Solutions.
Related Reading From Redeemed Reader
Laid-Back Homeschooling: wisdom from Janie’s experience.
Homeschool Resources Worth the Money: more of Betsy’s favorite resources.
Books for Teen Writers: these make good complements to the video courses above!
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I read here every day, and I find this post one of the most helpful ones I have read thus far. Thank you so much for reviewing all of these!
I’m so glad you found this helpful!
Also, I thought I would let your readers know that the Ramsey course is on sale right now for $19.99! A hundred dollars off the normal price.
Thanks, Julie! I bought it on sale last spring, and I know I was just given a voucher to cash in when we were ready to take the course. So, readers, if you’re interested in the Dave Ramsey course, even for future, jump on that sale!