The One Thing You’d Save asks middle-graders in a fictional classroom to consider the value they give material objects.
The One Thing You’d Save by Linda Sue Park, illustrated by Robert Sae-Heng. Clarion (HMH), 2021, 62 pages.

Reading Level: Middle Grades, ages 8-10
Recommended for: ages 7-12
Ms. Chang has an interesting assignment for the class:
Imagine that your home is on fire. You’re allowed to save one thing. Your family and pets are safe, so don’t worry about them. Your Most Important Thing. Any size. A grand piano? Fine.
This is a think assignment, so the students don’t have to write anything down. But boy, do they think. First thoughts might not be the best: my phone? My books? Which ones, or all? (Can I take my whole bookcase?) A blue sweater. A sketchbook. An autograph. What determines the value of any material thing?
There’s no narrative thread, only dialogue or thoughts expressed in sijo, an ancient form of Korean poetry. Some of the students talk it over among themselves while others ponder alone. When it’s time to share with the class, some get pushback and others quietly reveal hidden hurts and deep family connections. The book cries out for a response: What would I choose? What would you choose? It could lead your family to some interesting discussions, just like Ms. Chang’s class.
Overall Rating: 4.25 (out of 5)
- Worldview/moral value: 4
- Artistic/literary value: 4.5
Review: See our reviews of other books by Linda Sue Park: A Long Walk to Water (starred) and Prairie Lotus (a WORLD Magazine Children’s Book of the Year runner-up).
Review: Other novels that use verse forms: Gone Fishing (for the young-reader set) and Shakespeare Bats Cleanup (for teens).
Reflection: Further thoughts on possessions and materialism at my blog.
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