Facts vs. Opinions vs. Robots offers an accessible introduction to a controversial subject.

Fact vs. Opinions vs. Robots by Michael Rex. Nancy Paulson Books (PRH), 2020, 32 pages.
Reading Level: picture book, ages 4-8
Recommended for: ages 5-7
What’s the difference between a fact and an opinion? According to this picture book, “a fact is anything that can be proven tru or false.” “An opinion is something that you feel and you believe but you cannot prove.” The reader is led to this conclusion after answering some questions about the robots cavorting through these pages. Opinions are what make us unique, but we should all know the difference, and we should know when it’s advisable to state either when we don’t have enough information. So it boils down to three categories: Fact, Opinion, and Tell me more so I can decide. By the end of the book an articulate preschooler should have these categories firmly in mind.
Older kids should be challenged to think a little further. Some opinions could be better informed with facts. Some facts might actually be based on opinion (that is, worldview). Do facts always trump opinions? Do opinions sometimes masquerade as facts? And is faith “only” an opinion? These distinctions are a lot more complex than a picture book can explore, but Facts vs. Opinions is a good-enough primer and a possible springboard to further discussion. The point that we shouldn’t think less of each other or fight over our opinions is also well taken.
Overall rating: 4 (out of 5)
- Worldview/moral value: 3.5
- Artistic/literary value: 4
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