Summer Fun: Interns Needed

***This internship opportunity has been filled.  See here for the winners.*** 

If you are a high school or college student, love literature and movies, and would like to impact the world for Christ, find then we’re looking for you.  Redeemedreader is putting together a reading program for kids for the summer, and this fall, we’ll be covering book-to-movie stories like the Hunger Games and Ender’s Game, all while working to review books, create reading lists, and help parents and educators teach literature from a Christian worldview. We also have opportunities for learning how to do interviews, helping with technology and the back-end organization of the site.

If you would like to help us with an internship running from June to mid-December, leave us a note in the comments. You might want to include some of your previous work experience, why you love literature, or what you think you can bring to the job.

Since we’d like to get our intern on board before launching our summer series, we’ll announce a winner by Saturday, May 25th.

Sound fun?  We can’t wait to meet you!

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  1. Savannah Chandler on May 15, 2013 at 6:29 am

    Hi! I’m Savannah and I’m eighteen years old. I love to read books and watch movies. I have worked at my church as a childcare assistant for the last five years. The kids I work with range in age from 6-13. I have had several good conversations with them about the books they like to read. They surprise me with some of their choices. Literature is important to me as because it allows you to see situations from other people’s perspective, learn from the character’s mistakes, and to laugh and cry with the characters. Literature allows you to view the whole range of human emotions in four hundred pages. One challenge in today’s culture is to find books, specifically for young adults, that are appropriate and Christ-honoring. I think I can bring a knowledge of classic books as well as more current books along with their movie adaptations. This internship sounds exciting because I would love to learn more about writing and how to conduct interviews.

    Thank you for your consideration,
    Savannah Chandler

  2. Jennifer Hagan on May 15, 2013 at 9:55 am

    My name is Jennifer Hagan and I’m 29 years old. I’m going to school to be an RN and I’m raising 4 awesome kids by myself. I have one who is a big reader and I would love the opportunity to pre read some of these more popular books that are being turned to movies before she is asking me if she can read/watch these stories. I have been a full time mom for the last 7 years and would love to get my feet wet again in the job world with something along these lines. I love reading and I am always excited to see how movie makers interpret the novels they turn into films.
    Thank you so much for your consideration,
    Jennifer Hagan

  3. Abigail Burns on May 15, 2013 at 5:00 pm

    When I was ten years old, my family moved across the country, and, since I was home schooled and we were not plugged into a nearby group, I had a hard time making new friends. That year, I found my friends in books. I devoured the stories and the characters and the adventures. To this day, I still find companions in literature, whether I’m reading silly authors like Andrew Clements or heavy ones like Dostoevsky. That’s the beauty of literature. It allows us to understand life a little more clearly and to feel connected to other people no matter their age or culture.

    Part of this mystery, though, is the fact that many books present both truth and lies jumbled together. The Christian’s job, then, is to sift through this mixed bag and decide what might be used for nourishment and what must be tossed aside. This is why I love literature so much. It is like a treasure hunt, one where we search for eternal truths instead of gold or sliver.

    While I’ve had no formal work experience, I’ve had a lot of experience volunteering with children. Specifically, this past year I ran a girl’s book club for nine girls aged seven to twelve. We had a blast learning about basic literary elements like theme, character, and setting (plus there were fun crafts). I can bring a wide knowledge of children’s and classic literature along with a lot of experience in young adult fantasy, though I’ll admit I’ve avoided all the recent paranormal romances. I’ve also had a rigorous writing education for the last six years, and I especially enjoy writing about books. Beyond that, I have always loved good children’s literature, and I would love to be a part of the work you do here at Redeemed Reader.

    Thank you for your consideration,
    Abigail Burns (age 18)

    (I also have my own book and entertainment blog, but it’s just getting off the ground. Feel free to view it here:

  4. emily on May 16, 2013 at 6:55 am

    Jaquelle emailed me that she had trouble posting her entry. So I’ve posted it here for her:

    My name is Jaquelle, and I’m a homeschooled high school student preparing to start college in the fall. I’m an avid blogger of theology, Scripture and silliness at Jaquelle’s Rose Garden and have been published in a Canadian national homeschooling magazine. I’ve also spent a lot of time working with kids through tutoring at my local library, performing an educational show on human rights at over thirty elementary schools, and serving with the children’s ministry at my church. With all the kids I get to see and meet, and all my peers around me, I’ve seen so many influenced by bad literature. I would love to share with them good, God-glorifying literature. I’m a passionate reader myself and am always looking for good books. I find I’m often turning to the classics, but I jump at any chance to read edifying contemporary YA fiction.

    This opportunity to help kids and teens be impacted by Christ-exalting and well-written books would be incredible. If I can have any influence in bringing the joys of good books to my fellow generation, I would feel so blessed!

    Thank you for a chance at this internship and for your consideration,
    Jaquelle Crowe

  5. Aimee Robidoux on May 22, 2013 at 11:10 am

    Hello, my name is Aimee Robidoux and I am 20 years old. I’m a 3rd-year college student studying for certification in web design, but my passion is reading. I’ve loved books for as long as I can remember, my first favorite being the Chronicles of Narnia. I’ve read many classic books as part of my college-prep high school reading program, as well as many modern novels in recent years. Sci-Fi is my favorite genre, but I also enjoy fantasy, historical fiction, and classic British romance novels.

    Literature is important because it shapes the minds of the young, and thereby directs the path of society. I understand the significance of reading excellent literature during the formative years. I was raised in a Christian home that valued old, quality literature, so I grew up reading authors like C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Dickens, and Jane Austen. Having read those authors as a child and teenager, I am now able to be discerning in what I read as an adult, separating the good from the bad. I have never read, nor ever desired to read, a paranormal romance; in fact, the only romance novels I have ever enjoyed were written over a hundred years ago.

    I firmly believe that children should be raised reading books from a Christian perspective, and to that end it would be my pleasure to seek out books that are both excellent and edifying.

    I worked with elementary-age kids during a series of summer science camps in 2009, and also spent a week in China working at an orphan camp last year. At my church I teach Sunday School to 9- and 10-year-olds. I have also worked as a contractor to an independent web design business; I was in charge of keeping product information up-to-date for a commercial website. This past semester I was part of a team building a website for my college’s theatre department.

    One of my skills is an excellent memory, and I can easily retain much of what I’ve read. I think this ability would be a useful asset for your program. I believe I can offer a useful knowledge of both classic and modern novels, as well as their film adaptions.

    Thank you for your consideration,
    Aimee Robidoux

  6. Keely on May 24, 2013 at 9:05 am

    Hi! I’m Keely Dennis, and I’m fourteen (almost fifteen!) years old. My passion lies in writing, and I am currently in the process of writing a novel. I also write on my blog, the Freckled Girl (, and have been interviewed by the Christian author Stephanie Morrill ( babysit quite frequently for families in our neighborhoods, at church, and even in my own family (I’m the oldest of eight!). I adore organizing as well and am about to launch a small business of organization to receive some greater experience in that area.
    I also love to read in my spare time. Books have been some of my greatest companions, teachers, and closest friends. I love literature because it brings a sense of depth, reality, richness, and understanding for me of God’s world and his people. I will devour any book ranging from fiction to non fiction, young adult to biographies, and poetry to mystery.
    I have struggled greatly in the past with finding literature that both appeals to me, is clean, and is well written. Many books I have picked up I have had to put back down again because of their content. It continues to prove challenging to find literature that is Christ honoring.
    I do believe I can bring some of my knowledge of past reads to help parents and kids alike to find books that are God honoring. I enjoy writing and reading very much, and I think this would be an excellent opportunity to combine my two passions to serve others and learn new things. I would be honored to be a part of the work that you do here at Redeemed Reader.

  7. Joseph Murphy on May 24, 2013 at 9:17 am

    Hello, my name is Joseph Murphy, and I just found this website yesterday. As a homeschooler and then as a college student, I have always been surrounded by books. For me, reading is much more than just gathering information or being entertained. Instead, books provide us with a different view of the world. They examine events, people, or problems from a new perspective, causing their readers to more deeply consider things which we often overlook. A great book will do this while also entertaining and intriguing its reader. I truly believe that great literature can change people, as long as we take the time to understand and appreciate what we are reading.

    As a student, I’ve had the chance to read and write quite often. One of my favorite classes last semester was Expository Writing. In this class, we examined the benefits of a liberal arts education, the importance of writing well, and the power of art and literature. This class provided me with an excellent foundation for reading critically and writing analytically. This, coupled with me love for great books, makes me very excited to learn more about this program and the possibility of helping out. Thank you so much for your consideration!

    Joseph Murphy

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