I was introduced to Kevin Luthardt’s work many years ago, when I was but a mere Operations Assistant at Peachtree Publishers. I thought his work was quite good back then, but if I’m totally honest, as a fresh-from-college kid with a head still full of Flannery O’Conner and Francis Schaeffer, I wasn’t a groupie. However, as the years have gone by, as I’ve seen my own children come to treasure his books and I’ve grown a little in my own appreciation of kids’ art, I have become a huge fan. In fact, his book, Larabee
, has influenced our household so much that it was largely responsible for my daughter’s first word being “woof.”
Perhaps just as importantly, Kevin influenced me in one other way. When I was still green in my faith, Kevin was a model of what it looked like to be transparent about my faith. His book dedication thanking his “Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” was such a beautiful witness to me, whatever anyone else thought.
As for his more objective accomplishments, Kevin Luthardt has illustrated eight books for children–three of which you can read in Korean (if you can read Korean). He’s been featured in the Chicago Tribune, ABC News Chicago, and his art hangs in both museum galleries AND schools and libraries across the country.
And this Sunday, you’ll have the opportunity to benefit from his gifts on our site! Kevin has kindly agreed to produce the art pages of our Bible Reading Challenge. I’ve seen the sketches, and it’s something you won’t want to miss. You’ll be able to download his coloring page, or share his drawing process with your kids, helping them learn how he works his magic!
For now, though, here’s an interview I conducted with Kevin recently. Hope you enjoy getting to know him!
1. How long have you been an author and illustrator? Is there a story behind how you became one?
My first book came out in 2001, so that’s how long I have been published. I studied painting at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. After I graduated, I started showing my paintings in any art show that I could get into. I eventually started showing my paintings at a gallery in Chicago called Mars Gallery. I have been showing my work there for about 14 years now. My paintings were/are whimsical, childlike, and narrative; so I started to think about making picture books for kids. I also had a lot of experience working with kids–I was a camp counselor at a Bible camp and worked with inner-city kids doing murals, art camps, etc. I started sending my work to publishers. After about 109 rejection letters (yes, 109!) over about 2 1/2 years, a lot of revisions, and creating several manuscripts, I recieved a call for my first book!
2. How does your faith in Christ affect your work?
When you have a relationship with the Lord and creator of the universe, it affects everything I do… my work ethic, my attitude, how I treat people, my decisions… everything. My books so far are not Bible stories per se, but I do strive to let my books reflect my faith, my Biblical values, and my world view as a Christian. Most of the stories I create are focused on simple relationships–friend to friend, kid to pet, father to son, etc. The decisions my characters make, the interactions in each relationship, and the values the characters hold are all a reflection of who I am in Christ.
3. Which of the books you have written and/or illustrated is your favorite?
I usually answer that question by saying that my favorite book is the one I am working on right now (titled Edgar and Cecil, due out in 2013 ), since that is the one I am thinking about most. So, it will change when I work on my next book! Each book has something about it that is special to me. Larabee has been my most well reviewed and best selling book. It also was the book that went through the most changes. In fact, my first manuscript I ever made was an early version of Larabee, titled Mr. Bowman’s Mailbox Blues. My book Flying! was the first book that was inspired by my own kids (specifically my oldest son Avery). My book Peep! was inspired by my pet duck that I had as a child named “Peepsee”. So, each book has a story behind the story!
4. What advice do you have for a kid who would like to become an illustrator?
It’s pretty simple… draw, draw, draw!!! Really, my passion and skill as an illustrator (and author) began when I was a kid just spending hours after school doodling. When I was a kid I wanted to be a cartoonist like Charles Schulz (who created Peanuts) or Bill Watterson (who created Calvin and Hobbes). So, I took cartooning classes on Saturdays at the local recreation center. I read comic strips fanatically and checked out as many “how to draw” as I could get my hands on. It is mostly the joy and discipline of sitting for hours making art that continually makes me a better artist. God gives each of us natural skills and gifts, but it is our job to build upon them and make them as excellent as we can.
5. Do you have a favorite color, and if it’s not red, why not?
Well, I guess my favorite color is blue… most of my clothing is blue or black (I’m a pretty boring dresser!). However, sometimes when I paint I get excited about interesting colors… like “green gold” or “alizarin crimson” or “light blue violet” or “Turner’s yellow”. You know your an artist when you get excited by things like that!
For more on Kevin and his work, see his website, www.kevinluthardt.com. And for more interviews on RR, see our recent interview with Alan Jacobs on raising readers, another with Mike Sugimoto on the dangers of ereaders, and our podcast with Susan Hunt on raising thankful kids. And watch for our interview next week with NYT best-selling author, Carmen Deedy!
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