2021 Summer Reading Book List: Travel the World

Ready to Travel? To See More Than Your Hometown?
We're right there with you!
Naturally, we created a book list, full of stories that are both windows and mirrors to our marvelous world.
"Window stories" show us how people around the world live, what their legends and stories are, and what their religious beliefs might look like.
"Mirror stories" show us people who look like us or talk like us. They might show us other young people learning and growing up, or adults creating, inventing, traveling, and going on missions for Christ.
More than 180 books curated just for you and your family:
- Fiction and nonfiction
- Historical and present day
- Classics and new stories
- And more
After all, we're reading ahead for you!
Our free summer reading book list is broken up into continents and regions for easy use. We've also included a separate list that focuses on refugee and immigration stories as well as a list that looks at our marvelous earth as a whole. In addition, each book includes a recommended age range plus brief notes on content. This is a new list from our previous "Around the World" list!
The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof,
the world and those who dwell therein (Psalm 24:1)
Get Your Free Summer Reading Book List Today
Click the link to sign up for your free summer reading book list. We'll also let you know when our 2021 summer reading program—Faith & Fortitude—launches. We'll be (virtually) traveling the world, looking for artifacts from church history.