Ereaders and ebooks: An Interview with Mike Sugimoto
Should your family purchase an ereader or ipad? What about your kids–should they be allowed to read book apps or ebooks? Tablets or ereaders are fast becoming a mainstay in American book publishing, but is there any compelling evidence that ereaders or ebooks could be damaging to kids? Earlier in the year, we addressed ereader…
Read MoreBible Gifts for Kids
We’ve written a number of articles about Bibles and Bible-related kids’ books over the past year. Here are a few that might make great Christmas gifts: Emily’s Top Story Bibles for Kids: Includes choices for ages 2-10 such as One Wintry Night by Ruth Graham, The Big Picture Storybible and The Jesus Story Bible. The…
Read MoreA Prayer of Thanks from the “Valley of Vision”
Valley of Vision: A collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions. Drawn from the writings of men like John Bunyan, Isaac Watts, and Charles Spurgeon, The Valley of Vision is a wonderful place to enrich your prayer life (and that of older children!) any time of year. How much more so at Thanksgiving, when we celebrate…
Read MoreWays to Be Grateful
I’m sitting in an upstairs bedroom as the smell of pumpkin pie wafts up the stairwell. Tomorrow the family will arrive, starting around noon: not just relatives, but friends and tag-alongs and people I’ve never met before who will be family for one day. Thanksgiving unites us like no other holiday. No matter what one’s…
Read MoreRR Podcast 9: Susan Hunt on Raising Thankful Kids
Last week, Janie and I had the privilege of speaking with Susan Hunt…and happily for you, we managed to tape our conversation! For those of you who don’t know her, you’re in for a treat. For years she has been a staple at women’s ministry events, (In fact, she still is! Look for her at…
Read MoreWhat’s on the Menu? Literary Cookbooks!
Food occupies our minds a lot this time of year—to gather around, to give away, to serve to strangers at the Salvation Army, to stuff into ourselves at the Thanksgiving table. What better time to round up a selection of cookbooks inspired by children’s classics—good for reading and munching. Fairy Tale Feasts: a Literary Cookbook…
Read MoreMake-A-Book: Thanksgiving Edition
Readers, this is an older post that was affected in our hack. We have not recovered all the resources yet. Our apologies! While we’re on the subject of crafts and Thanksgiving, here is a book I put together for my girls about Thanksgiving. It’s a .pdf file right now, but you download it, print it out and have your own…
Read MoreGive My Heart: A Christmas Contest
GIVE MY HEART Christina Rosetti’s poem, In the Bleak Midwinter, isn’t my favorite Christmas poem–or hymn. But it does bring home one point that I find very relevant in our materialistic world and in my own life. What can I give Him, Poor as I am? If I were a shepherd I would bring a…
Read MoreThankful for Cheryl Harness
*The Adventurous Life of Myles Standish, by Cheryl Harness. National Geographic, 2006, 143 pages. Age/interest level: 8 and up. Thanksgiving means a raid on the supply cabinet to find those orange and brown streamers, fat turkeys and apple-cheeked pilgrim boys and girls to staple to the bulletin board. But who were the pilgrims, really? As…
Read MoreThanksgiving! Books For Kids 10 and Under
Books To Consider Buying We are participants in the Amazon LLC affiliate program; purchases you make through affiliate links like the one below earn us a commission. These books would be a spiritual investment. More than the facts of the story, they help kids see God at the center of Thanksgiving. 1. Thanksgiving: A Harvest…
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