Teaching the Faith: *The Illustrated Westminster Shorter Catechism
A new edition of the Westminster Shorter Catechism uses cartoon illustrations as an aid to understanding and discussion.
Read MoreBooks and Schoolhouse Battles
Those of us who homeschool admire the one-room schoolhouse model of previous centuries. With simple resources, a wide-range of ages, and a school year that fit the needs of the community, one male or female teacher reigned in the classroom.…Unless there were “big boys” whose sole purpose in showing up seemed to be disturbing the…
Read MoreHow to Throw a Book-themed Party for Kids
Beat the summer boredom with a book-themed party!
Read MoreGladys Hunt on Re-issues: Good, Bad, and Ugly
Some re-issues actually improve on the original. Others, not so much . . .
Read MoreSummer Fun Ahead: a Picture Book Tour
An eclectic collection of picture and travel books for summer fun.
Read MoreGladys Hunt on Starred Reviews
Did you ever wonder how your local librarian chooses books for the children’s collection?
Read MoreBatter Up! Books About Baseball (a Librarian’s List)
(Originally published at Redeemed Reader on May 27, 2013; updated July, 2023) Aside from the beach, nothing says “summertime” and “American” more than a game of baseball, complete with hot dog, iced beverage, bleachers, and the elusive foul ball dropping into the stands. Our local Minor League team has great promotions all summer that include…
Read MoreGladys Hunt on Personal Libraries
How many books should a child own?
Read MoreBeach Books! (Librarians’ List)
Originally published at Redeemed Reader on June 6, 2014. Of course a professional book reviewer and librarian takes books with her to the beach—for herself AND her family. In case you’re of like mind, here are some beach-related books and Dewey numbers to check out before you head to the coast this summer. Kids enjoy…
Read MoreGladys Hunt on Stellar Historical Fiction
There’s plenty of appropriate historical fiction for middle-graders, but sometimes you have to dig below the surface recommendations.
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