Honey for a Child’s Heart Read Along: Month 3
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Read MoreGladys Hunt on Literary Excellence
Editor’s Note: This month, our “Honey for a Child’s Heart Read-Along” partners are thinking about Chapters 3, 13, and 14. The latter two chapters are about picture books, as is fitting for Picture Book Month. Chapter 3 asks what makes a good book, a question Gladys Hunt explored further in today’s blog post. What Makes…
Read MoreAre Cozy Animal Stories Cozying up to Gay Ideology?
One of our readers alerted us to Katherine Applegate’s latest book, as it seemed to her to feature a lesbian relationship. Odder, picturing a beyond-cute protagonist on the cover, is a novel-in-verse about a female sea otter who was born with an extra “spark”: a questing spirit, a taste for adventure. After a storm separates…
Read More20 ABC Books for All Ages
We’re celebrating Picture Book Month here at RedeemedReader! ABC Books are some of the most common picture books young children see, but there are many ABC books that delight older readers as well. Just as a teacher’s roster, the dictionary, a filing system use the alphabet as an organizing tool, so, too, do many clever…
Read MoreReformation Day Holiday Traditions
Inventing a Celebration I’ve never had much use for Halloween. We didn’t celebrate it when I was growing up, substituting other family fun that day, and now I am simply turned off by the ugliness of the decor. But give me a reason to celebrate, and I love inventing traditions! Most conveniently, Reformation Day also…
Read MoreGladys Hunt on Nursery Rhymes
“Nursery rhymes” don’t stop with Mother Goose.!
Read MoreTruth and Story
(Note: Betsy and I are indebted to Ethan Pettit, librarian and Children’s Literature professor from Covenant College, who enlightened us so much in seeing Christ in literature and taught us to discern Truth and Story.) “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein…” Psalm 24:1 (ESV) This verse…
Read MoreThe Three Little Pigs: A Book List
Just for fun, here’s a round-up of some delightful version of the classic folktale “The Three Little Pigs” along with some funny spoofs and spins. Enjoy! Note: titles are linked to amazon. We are participants in the Amazon LLC affiliate program; purchases you make through affiliate links like the one below may earn us a…
Read MoreGladys Hunt on Recognizing the Good
Let Gladys Hunt help you choose some good books!
Read MoreOur Hymns, Our Heritage by David and Barbara Leeman
The Leeman’s excellent student hymnal has been republished by Moody Press, with additional songs and supplements
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