Dystopia, Part Three

By Janie Cheaney | January 25, 2011

Part One. Part Two. What’s the problem with a glut of grim, futurist fiction on the YA bookshelves? Maybe nothing. Youth is resilient, and most young people are smart enough to know that fiction is fiction. If their reading is balanced, and they get out in the fresh air often enough, no harm done. Too…

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Dystopia, Part Two

By Janie Cheaney | January 25, 2011

(Find Part One here) Besides being uniformly grim, there are other traits the current crop of dystopian novels share: A post-apocalyptic future–the story opens after an event of universal destruction so huge that humanity has to re-organize itself along new principles, usually some variation of survival of the fittest. A young hero trapped in circumstances…

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The Whole Counsel of God: Complementing Your Story Bible

By emily | January 10, 2011

The claim that a story Bible isn’t actually a Bible may seem a bit shocking at first. I mean, it’s got the word “Bible” right there in the name, doesn’t it? But now that I’ve had a few years to teach my kids with one, I’ve come to realize that most story Bibles contain very…

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Dystopia: Dead Ahead

By Janie Cheaney | December 23, 2010

Part One How’s this for a scenario: In the future, the USA has been divided into thirteen districts, and the most prosperous oppresses all the others. One form of oppression is the annual televised exhibition in which two teens from each district compete for fabulous prizes–the chief prize being life. Katniss, a 16-year-old poacher from…

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Buying Your First Story Bible

By emily | December 16, 2010

You’re a new parent. You’ve got the baby crib with a fancy name, the swing, the bouncer, the burping pads. Now it’s time to choose your baby’s first Bible. And how hard could that be? It’s got to be easier than putting that crib together, right? The first time around, I just took my friends’…

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