My Presentation Today Is about the Anaconda by Bibi Dumon Tuk

Animals give school-style presentations about other animals. Guess whose Presentation Today Is about the Anaconda?

My Presentation Today Is about the Anaconda by Bibi Dumon Tak, translated by Nancy Forest-Flier and illustrated by Annmarie Van Haeringen. Levine Querido, 2025, 219 pages.

Reading Level: Middle Grades, ages 8-10

Recommended for: ages 6-12

[O]ral presentations can really be fun, especially when they’re not being given by the human species for once. After all, humans can make presentations super boring . . . because humans only look at things through their own human eyes. Every single time.

So okay, humans, let’s just sit back and see what the animals have to say for themselves. First up is the cleaner fish talking about sharks—although the little fish ends up talking at least as much about her own species.  Blackbird presents the rose-ringed parakeet, midwife toad expostulates on the koala, zebra classifies black and white animals, of which there aren’t many (penguins? No; orange beaks). Hermit crab is so shy he can barely speak outside his shell, but nix on his pleas to make his presentation in writing. Gila monster is a victim of old wives’ tales and snow leopard has such a high opinion of himself he can only talk about snow leopards.

Barn owl seems to be in charge, or at least is always the one to call rowdy members to order. Such as Fox, whose fascination with blood and broken bones upsets the sensitive herbivores. Fox is also the one most likely to chime in with snarky comments. The anaconda (who doesn’t seem to be present) is put forth by earthworm, who appears to hero-worship his fellow wriggler.

This is all lots of fun to read aloud–but practice the voices first, because there are a lot of them. And note the Consideration below for pages you might want to skip. Though it’s too early for predictions, I expect to see My Presentation Today on the 2026 Mildred Batchelder list (for books originally published in another language).

Bottom Line: Quirky and fun, as well as informative for animal lovers and kids dreading their next oral presentation.


  • The rabbits are a little too interested in sexual reproduction (p. 36). Note also the mention of a blue sea dragon penis on p. 201—which is weird because they reproduce asexually.

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Janie Cheaney

Janie is the VERY senior staff writer for Redeemed Reader, as well as a long-time contributor to WORLD Magazine and an author of nine books for children. The rest of the time she's long-distance smooching on her four grandchildren (not an easy task). She lives with her equally senior husband of almost-fifty years in the Ozarks of Missouri.

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