Glad and Golden Hours is a lovely companion to Christ-centered Christmas celebrations, both in anticipation of Christmas Day and during the 12 days following.
Glad and Golden Hours: A Companion for Advent and Christmastide by Lanier Ivester and illustrated by Jennifer Trafton. Rabbit Room Press, 2024. 424 pages.
- Reading Level: Teen/Adult, ages 16+
- Recommended For: Ages 16 and up

Glad & Golden Hours is a hard book to describe! Part memoir, part cookbook, part crafty compendium, and all Christmas- (and Christ-) focused, this is a lovely book to pore over and from which to gain inspiration. Ivester writes:
I believe that it is not only possible, but crucial, to steward these set-apart days in a way that makes space for mystery and wonder amid the rituals and traditions of our lives. And I believe that ritual and tradition are always the servants of relationship, with God and with other people….
[This book is] not a manual or a how-to, or a glorified to-do list, but a companion, in the neighborliness sense of the word. … It is above all an invitation, regardless of your age, marital status, or living situation, to experience Christmas as a place of rest—not in spite of, but in the very midst of the merriment of these glad and golden hours.
Glad and Golden Hours is divided into sections mirroring the liturgical calendar: “Before It Begins” (how to prepare and get ready) followed by weeks 1-4, and ending with “Christmastide.” Each section includes memoir-esque reflections full of honesty, humor, and helpful reminders. Each section also includes assorted how-to sections like “how to make sugared fruit” or “how to make an ivy garland.” Recipes abound! But the tone of this book is very invitational rather than prescriptive; this is a book full of grace, not law.
Trafton’s art decorates many pages. I especially love the recipe “cards” sprinkled throughout and the full page spreads at the beginning of chapters and sections. Colors are cheerful and winsome, not limited to the stereotypical red and green. Still, the feel is quite festive. Leave this book out on your coffee table for young readers to enjoy flipping through. And dip into it during the quiet winter evenings as you settle your heart.
This is a book to enjoy poring over throughout the season, making notes on how to add to your celebrations for next year and perhaps dipping in here and there with additions to this year. (I, for one, will be trying the sugar cookie recipe.) Glad and Golden Hours would make a splendid gift, even on Christmas Day. After all, Christmastide continues after Christmas Day!
Bottom Line: Glad and Golden Hours is a lovely companion to Christ-centered Christmas celebrations, both in anticipation of Christmas Day and during the 12 days following.
Recommended Reading at Redeemed Reader
- Book Review: Twelve Classic Christmas Stories is a lovely collection of short stories about Christmas that may inspire you to revisit classic authors in the coming year.
- Book Review: Little Christmas Carol, illustrated by Joe Sutphin, is another excellent gift-book for Christmas!
- Resource: Advent Family Devotionals: our Book List!
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