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Over the past couple months, several readers have noticed a change in our reviews. Rather than finish with a numerical rating, we have started using a bottom line. (This has been a beta-test. We’re still getting into the habit, so please forgive the occasional review that doesn’t reflect this!)
Before you panic, we DO still have our starred reviews, marking the best of the best. We are using the same numerical rating behind-the-scenes to determine whether or not a book is a starred review. In addition, any books that show up on a booklist are considered 4+ in our ratings: unless otherwise noted. But why the change from ratings to a bottom line?
Our reasoning for the shift has been twofold and concerns our readers as well as the authors we review.

Concerning Readers
In recent years, we have noticed that our rating system was creating an overdependence on a final number. Based on reader feedback, we felt the numbers were detracting from reading the review. (Indeed, some of you have told us that you weren’t reading reviews, just glancing at numbers.)
This change has been made in the hopes of helping guide readers to good books, while helping each reader make the best decision for themselves. Not every book is good for every family. It takes personal discernment to know your family and make a decision for some of the books we review. (Eg. magic in fantasy might be fine for one family and an absolute no for another. The same goes for a pictorial depiction of Christ.)

Concerning Authors
In addition, we don’t want to discourage authors whose faith we share. There are some books we like but don’t love, and this puts us in a hard place. We don’t want a Christian author to be disheartened by a low artistic rating for the world to see. (And we know some have, over the years.) Indeed, the numerical system has, for a while, kept me from reviewing some books due to a fear of being discouraging rather than encouraging to Christian authors.
You could say our ratings change is reflective of a ministry mindset: we want to encourage authors who are producing good books, and we’re keenly aware of the power of critical reviews. We also want to encourage readers as they learn to find good books.

Concluding Thoughts
Lord-willing this explanation sheds some light on our thinking. I would be happy to answer your questions, and would welcome feedback. So far I have received positive responses from readers who noticed the change and emailed to ask about it.
We’re reading ahead for you,
Hayley, for the Redeemed Reader Team
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