He Came Down From Heaven offers 25 days of biblical readings and cultural enrichment for families who celebrate Advent.
He Came Down From Heaven: A Guide to Celebrating Advent with Family and Friends by Laurel Sauder. Gatekeeper Press, 2022. 68 pages.

Recommended for: All ages
If you’ve studied European art history at all, you will remember a plethora of sacred art relating to the Incarnation and, indeed, all of Scripture. No less robust is the Western tradition of sacred music. Some of the most memorable and moving musical compositions were written as sacred works.
He Came Down from Heaven is a guide to celebrating Advent leveraging this rich sacred artistic legacy. Each of the 25 days contains a suggested Scripture passage (beginning with Genesis, moving to Isaiah and other prophets, and then landing in Luke by Day 7). These collectively remind readers of the promises of Jesus and then His coming in the flesh. Each day’s reading is accompanied by a full color reproduction of a famous work of art relating to the Scripture passage and a short paragraph to guide the viewer; suggested musical selections; and a brief prayer. The back of the book contains all the words to the suggested music, a very nice touch since many of the suggested pieces are not simple hymns, but more majestic works from composers such as Bach or Handel.
Homeschool families in particular will enjoy this resource; I’d recommend working it into your morning routine with your children! Adults will also enjoy it on their own. It will be challenging to slow down enough to ponder each day’s offerings during the first 25 days of December, but there’s no reason readers can’t slow the book down and read it throughout the year (or start in November and/or read through January!).
Note: as of this review, this book’s print quality is suitable, but not stellar. It would shine if the pages were thicker and glossier, but the book would simultaneously be costlier. I’m glad to see an offering like this, especially for those of us who enjoy rich sacred music and art traditions, but you may wish to look up some of the paintings online or find them in a bigger art book for best viewing.
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Betsy thank you!!!