The Silence of Bones by June Hur

Can Seol figure out what happened to her brother even as she investigates a murder? The Silence of Bones is a gritty, historical mystery for teens set in 1800 Korea.

The Silence of Bones by June Hur. Square Fish, 2021, 352 pages.

cover of silence of bones

Reading Level: Teens, Ages 15-18

Recommended for: Ages 15+

Seol has been indentured to the police bureau. Her parents are dead, and her sister thought this was best. At 16, she’s old enough to be working, but young enough to be terribly homesick. In Joseon (Korea), in 1800, strict boundaries govern the interactions between the sexes. Part of Seol’s duties include handling female victims, including dead female victims, because the male police officers are forbidden from handling a woman’s body. And when a dead female turns up who just so happens to be a highborn lady, Seol finds herself in the midst of a serious investigation, assisting Inspector Han. Seol soon meets the mysterious Lady Kang in the course of her investigations. But Lady Kang is a Catholic! Lady Kang simultaneously confuses and comforts Seol: Catholics are the enemy of the old ways and the state. But Lady Kang is kind and generous. How can this be? Who is telling the truth? And who is telling the truth about the death of Seol’s brother, the reason she’s committed to staying in the capital with the police bureau (surely, she’ll find out what really happened!)? And can Inspector Han really be trusted?

The Silence of Bones is June Hur’s remarkable debut novel. If you’re thinking the plot (and setting) sound similar to The Red Palace, you’d be correct: both revolve around a murder mystery, political intrigue, and a young woman helping investigate the crime. But where The Red Palace includes an undercurrent of young love, The Silence of Bones wrestles with family loyalties and the role of religion. The Silence of Bones raises great questions about who to trust, how to love those around us, how to live out our faith, and how hard it can be to do the right thing. It’s also a gritty, suspenseful read, full of harrowing escapes, uncertainty and tension, and emotional heft. The plot meanders a touch, but fans of mysteries and historical fiction will enjoy the journey.

Do note the considerations: this book is best kept for mature teens. And, while there are some notable cautions below, the content never feels gratuitous. Rather, the villains are villains, the setting feels authentic, and the characters are well-developed. This means that villains talk and act like villains, not saints. But good triumphs over evil, and Lady Kang’s representation of Catholicism is excellent.


  • Language: Several “Gods” (the main characters are follower of traditional Korean religion), a couple of “d—,” a couple of “b—-” (in reference to the main character by a villain, and all but one are in Korean).
  • Sexuality: Mention of virgins (for instance, when a female corpse is examined, the examiner will note the woman’s sexual status), an unwed mother, references to affairs, and a brothel as past crimes are investigated.
  • Violence: Not only is this a murder mystery, the villains are desperate to protect their identity. There are several instances of violence towards young women, but there is no rape. Additionally, there are several scenes that may be too much for squeamish readers (mention of corpses, for instance).

Overall Rating: 4

  • Worldview/moral value: 4
  • Artistic/literary value: 4

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Betsy Farquhar

Betsy is the Managing Editor at Redeemed Reader. When she reads ahead for you, she uses sticky notes instead of book darts and willfully dog ears pages even in library books. Betsy is a fan of George MacDonald, robust book discussions, and the Oxford comma. She lives with her husband and their three children in the beautiful Southeast.

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