Before Music: Where Instruments Come From by Annette Bay Pimentel, illustrated by Madison Safer

Where does music come from and how many ways can you make it? Before Music broadens the reader’s horizons on the origin and creativity of people who can’t help delighting in making interesting sounds and music.

Before Music: Where Instruments Come From by Annette Bay Pimentel, illustrated by Madison Safer. Harry N. Abrams, 2022. 88 pages.

cover image of before music

Reading Level: Picture books, Ages 8-10, ages 10-12

Recommended For: Ages 8-10, ages 10-12

We all have some familiarity with music that comes from a piano, guitar, flute, violin, and numerous other instruments. We also have some sense about the ways music is produced (striking, strumming, blowing, and bowing).

But have you ever wondered how the instruments were developed? Or how many other variations there are? Or the different effects of blowing, rubbins, striking, shaking, plucking, or whirling instruments composed of similar materials?

Art, history, science, and stories are woven throughout this fascinating book. Just think…all music is inspired by nature and the God who made it! Although He is not acknowledged, the book encourages wonder and admiration for design.

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Megan Saben

Megan is Associate Editor for Redeemed Reader, and she loves nothing more than discovering Truth and Story in literature. She is the author of Something Better Coming, and is quite particular about which pottery mug is best suited to her favorite hot drinks throughout the day. Megan lives with her husband and five boys in Virginia.

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