Three books from New Growth Press are helpful for teaching children who Jesus is and what he has done for us.
The Darkest Night/The Brightest Day: A family devotional for the Easter season by Marty Machowski, illustrated by Phil Schorr. New Growth Press 2022, 64 pages.

Reading Level: Middle grades, Ages 8-10
Recommended For: Ages 8-10, Ages 10-12
Machowski weaves together accounts of each day of Passion Week from the three Synoptic gospels, but he doesn’t end with the empty tomb. If you flip the book over and begin at what was the back of the book, you find a narrative of the first week after Jesus rose from the dead. There are many reasons to celebrate that event!
The text is thorough, better suited for the 8-12 yo who will also appreciate the occasional, vibrant illustrations. (Note: the artwork includes pictures of Jesus.)
The Acrostic of Jesus by Jonathan Gibson and Timothy Brindle, illustrated by C.S. Fritz. New Growth Press, 2022. 64 pages.

Reading Level: Middle grades, Ages 8-10,
Recommended For: Ages 8-10
Considering that the Psalmist wrote Psalm 119 as an alphabet acrostic, it’s clear that we never outgrow simple mnemonic devices.
The Acrostic of Jesus goes a step further, using the alphabet AND rap to teach the theology of Jesus, known as Christology. Each entry is short, so the book can either be read/rapped in one sitting or spread out over twenty-six days.
The illustrations are intriguing. Most are a visualization of the concept being explained, though some are more challenging to interpret. Each page offers Scripture proofs of the truth being taught, and if you aren’t sure how to follow the rhythm, a QR code is provided at the back so you can listen while following along in your copy of the book.
An unusual, but theologically solid resource for home or church libraries.
Who is Jesus? 40 Pictures to share with your family by Kate Hox, illustrated by Joe Hox. New Growth Press, 2022. 32 pages.

Reading Level: Middle Grades, Ages 10-12
Recommended For: Ages 10-12
In forty pictures Who is Jesus? shows some of the many ways Jesus is represented symbolically throughout Scripture. Beginning with creation, each chapter identifies the imagery that points to Christ with cross-references, a couple pages of devotionals, and a few reflection questions. For family worship use, don’t miss the hymns suggested for each chapter in the appendix.
I commend Kate Hox for the writing and Joe Hox for the illustrations. I don’t see quality artwork as often as I would like in Christian publishing, but Joe’s work is a highlight of the book. Although Jesus is “pictured” symbolically in many ways, there are no human representations of him except as an infant prince of peace.
This would be an excellent choice for the 40 days of lent…or any time of the year.
Related Reading From Redeemed Reader:
- A Review: He is Risen: Rocks Tell the Story of Easter by Patti Rokus is a delightful picture book that combines the words of Scripture with unique illustrations.
- A Review: Something Better Coming by Megan Saben is not only timely for Easter, but also essential for the whole year.
- A Resource: Christian Easter Gifts for Kids and Teens Some wonderful books for Easter baskets to enhance your child’s spiritual development.
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