The King of Christmas reminds young children where to look for Jesus, just as the wise men looked for Him at that first Christmas.
The King of Christmas: All God’s Children Search for Jesus by Todd R. Hains and illustrated by Natasha Kennedy. Lexham Press, 2022, 44 pages.

Reading Level: Picture books, ages 4-8
Recommended for: Ages 4-8
Where is the King of Christmas? The wise men from the East are searching for Him, asking where they might find him. The King isn’t in the natural world (water, farms, etc.). He isn’t amongst the political and religious leaders. He’s not with the soldiers. No, He is in a manger. And He’s on the cross (but not in the tomb!) and then with His people.
A deceptively simple text accompanied by lively illustrations reminds young children that Jesus, the King, came to earth, died, and rose again for us. As with the other “Fat Cat” picture books, back matter includes plenty of further resources for parents (or Sunday school teachers!) to expand on this book: prayers to use with children and more Scripture references for some of the illustrations.
Overall Rating: 4.5 (out of 5)
- Worldview/moral value: 5
- Artistic/literary value: 4.25
Read more about our ratings here.
Also at Redeemed Reader:
- Review: The Apostles’ Creed by Ben Myers
- Reviews: 3 more picture books for young children about Christmas
- Resource: Giant Christmas book list
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