Heaven and Nature Sing by Hannah Anderson

Heaven and Nature Sing is a collection of advent essays on the curse that sin imposed on nature and the grace that allows us to enjoy God’s glory while we anticipate our Redeemer’s return.

Heaven and Nature Sing by Hannah Anderson. B&H Publishing, 2022. 166 pages.

cover of heaven and nature sing

Reading Level: Teen/Adult Ages 16 and up

Recommended For: Ages 16 and up

Using a pen dipped in nature, blended with home, and saturated with Scripture, Anderson reflects on the longing we share with creation for Christ to return and make all things new. While we typically use advent to prepare our hearts to remember Christ’s incarnation and celebrate the fulfillment of God’s Old Testament promises and prophecies, God’s story isn’t yet complete. All creation is eager for future re-creation.

Her theme is built on the hymn “Joy to the World” because the traditional Christmas song truly fixes the worshiper’s attention on future hope. Essays on topics such as “The Serpent,” “Every Valley,” “Birth Pains,” “No Room,” “Visible and Invisible,” “Birds and Bees,” “Frankincense,” and “Dream State” are organized into four advent themes: hope, faith, joy, and peace. Each one opens with hospitable sensory details of Anderson’s experience with family or home, then explores the significance of familiar details found in the nativity accounts in the Gospels.

The illustrations at the beginning of each chapter are the work of Hannah’s husband Nathan, a pastor and gifted artist who clearly loves nature and nature’s God.

Heaven and Nature Sing creates a bridge between the curse that sin brought on nature and the grace that allows us to enjoy God’s glory in creation while we anticipate our Redeemer’s return. A lovely devotional (to be enjoyed with chocolate) whether you choose to read it in a single sitting or twenty-five.

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Megan Saben

Megan is Associate Editor for Redeemed Reader, and she loves nothing more than discovering Truth and Story in literature. She is the author of Something Better Coming, and is quite particular about which pottery mug is best suited to her favorite hot drinks throughout the day. Megan lives with her husband and five boys in Virginia.

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