The Aquanaut packs unexpected heart into a fantastical story from the ocean depths.
The Aquanaut by Dan Santat. Scholastic Graphix, 2022, 243 pages

Reading Level: Middle Grades, 8-10
Recommended for: ages 8-12
Under the Sea
World-famous undersea explorer Michel Revoy and his brother Paul were on an expedition when their vessel, the Miette, was caught in a storm. Paul barely escaped with his own life. He couldn’t save his brother, but now dedicates himself to raising his niece Sophia—and to his brother’s life work of preserving rare aquatic species. While life goes on at the surface, in the ocean depths a band of highly evolved sea creatures are constructing a new creature that they’re finally ready to take out for a spin.
Sunbathers on a San Diego beach are shocked to see an apparent deep-sea diver striding out of the ocean: actually Dr. Revoy’s old diving suit, operated by Carolos (an octopus), Jobin (a sea turtle), Antonio (a blanket octopus), and Sodapop (a hermit crab). They’re looking for Aqualand, Dr. Revoy’s preservation project and theme park which Paul now runs. They imagine they’ll be safe there, but what if Aqualand itself isn’t safe from destruction? Somehow, the Aquanaut and Sophie must save it.
Down to Earth
In his author note, Dan Santat explains how this story began with the idea of a diving suit operated by an octopus (could work!). But after the death of his father, it became something deeper: a story of how obsession, even in a noble cause, can draw attention from a nobler cause. Family comes first, as Sophie’s father learned too late, but there’s still time for Sophie and her Uncle Paul. All ends happily, though some of the artwork may be a little intense for very young readers. Older ones will have nothing to fear.
Overall Rating: 4 (out of 5)
- Worldview/Moral value: 3.5
- Artistic/literary value: 4.5
Read more about our ratings here.
Also at Redeemed Reader:
- Review: Flying Deep introduces picture-book readers to ALVIN, the next-generation explorer of ocean depths.
- Reviews: Two middle-grade novels of the ocean are Atlantis: The Accidental Invasion and Above World.
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