Out of My Mind and its sequel, Out of My Heart, welcome readers into the rich inner life of Melody Brooks, a bright pre-teen with cerebral palsy.
*Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper. Atheneum (S&S), 2010, 295 pages.
Out of My Heart by Sharon Draper. Atheneum, 2021, 352 pages.
Reading Level: Middle Grades, ages 8-10
Recommended for: ages 9-13
Life with Cerebral Palsy

It’s like I live in a cage with no door and no key. And I have no way to tell someone how to get me out.
Eleven-year-old Melody has never talked, never walked, has little control over body movements and has to be helped in the bathroom. Only those closest to her know, or at least suspect, that her mind is as lively as any kid’s—more so than most. A situation like hers could make anyone bitter and self-absorbed, but Melody is a fighter who can recruit others to the fight. Like her parents, once they understand where the battle is. Then their next-door-neighbor Mrs. Valencia (Mrs. V), who becomes a patient and calm ally. A new baby sister, Penny, takes some of her parents’ attention but is soon an irrepressible big-sister cheering section. And there’s Butterscotch, the loyalest puppy ever. But Melody needs more: a real school, real friends, real life outside her own four walls.
If Doctors don’t get her, teachers definitely don’t. Melody’s first four years of school are spent with the special-needs kids. But in fifth grade it finally happens: mainstreaming into a regular classroom! She comes equipped with a new Medi-Talker, a conversation board nicknamed Elvira (for her first favorite pop tune). But every new step comes with complications. If fifth grade is tough for the average kid who doesn’t fit in, imagine what it’s like for a kid who comes equipped with a pink wheelchair and a special assistant.
From the first page, Melody wins over readers with her spunky tone and evident joy in life, which make her setbacks all the more affecting. The story comes to a head when a golden opportunity to shine as an academic star derails through the betrayal of classmates—even those she considered friends. It’s the ultimate sucker punch, and we feel it almost as much as Melody does. But she emerges with determination intact: nothing will take this girl down for good.
Overall Rating: 4.5 (out of 5)
- Worldview/moral value: 4
- Artistic/literary value: 5

Spreading Her Wings
In a long-awaited sequel, Out of My Heart, Melody is a middle-grader with a typical tweener’s interest in shoes, cool clothes, hairstyles, and boys. Before summer break, some of the girls in her class were talking about their plans for camp, and “camp” has become a sparkling possibility. The ‘rents aren’t as thrilled, but when a little research turns up a camp for kids with disabilities, and it’s not too far, and she’s eligible for a scholarship—well, how can they say no?
It’s a huge step–Melody has never been away from her family for more than a few hours, and the separation is wrenching on both sides. The first 24 hours at camp see her heart yearning toward home, but after getting to know her peers and counselors, she’s eager to try all the camp activities that “normal” kids enjoy: swimming, horseback riding, even zip-lining. When it comes right down to actually doing all these cool things, her eagerness is temporarily stymied in terror. But one by one, her fears are overcome–and that’s the plot of the novel. Without a central conflict and dramatic turning point, it’s not as gripping as the first book, but readers who were charmed by Melody’s voice and character will still enjoy her small triumphs. There’s even a certain boy . . . and perhaps another sequel?
Overall Rating: 4 (out of 5)
- Worldview/moral value: 3.5
- Artistic/literary value: 4
Read more about our ratings here.
Also at Redeemed Reader:
- Review: Sharon Draper is the author of Stella by Starlight.
- Reviews: See our roundup of novels about Living with Autism; also this year’s roundup of Schneider Family Award novels and picture books.
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