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Our Beliefs

What We Believe
As Christians, we believe that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. As our lives are conformed to him, we learn to conform every aspect of our lives and culture to him. “Thinking Christianly” about the world around us is our personal and professional goal.
Curious about Christianity? Click here to find out more.
Each of the owners and staff members of Redeemed Reader are professing Christians and are active in their local church congregations. We are seeking to know Christ, to run the race to which he has called us, and to glorify God in everything we do. We believe the Bible is the standard for Christians in terms of knowing who God is and what He is like, understanding his created order in this world, what our moral standards should be, and what life after death entails.
With that in mind, what are we doing here?
Why another book-review website? A quick google search will reveal thousands!
When Redeemed Reader went online in February 2011, this was our original mission statement:
Our goal at Redeemedreader.com is to shine a gospel light on children's literature so that Christian parents, educators, and the children they nurture may read in a more redeemed and redeeming way.
We’re not just about book recommendations, though that’s a big part of what we do. We’re also very interested in helping parents and teachers help the children they love to read discerningly. We know you want to choose the best books for your children and teens and help shepherd their imaginations as they mature.
So we’re a little different from the average book blog.
Keep reading: Our Philosophy and Practice