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We Read Ahead for You

Do you want to:
Know which books would make perfect library checkouts for your kids? Or recognize which titles you might want to leave at the library?
Find books that tempt your reluctant reader?
Select engaging, well-written books for your home or school library, books which are also compatible with a Christian worldview?
Discover --and discuss-- thought-provoking reads for teens?
Steer your precocious reader (who's reading way above grade level) to books that are challenging, but still a good fit for a childlike maturity level?
Shepherd your children's imaginations and help guide your children towards greater discernment in reading?
Pursue Truth even as you enjoy Story?
Christian parents and educators struggle to find quality new books.
They don’t have time to keep up with voracious young readers or track down books for reluctant readers.
Parents and educators are concerned about changing cultural standards and want to train young people in discernment even as they enjoy and discover great stories with them.
Where do they even begin?
We can help.
At Redeemed Reader, we are parents and educators (and writers and librarians). Our hope is to shine a gospel light on children’s literature, equipping you to make great choices about books for your children and teens.
When we review books, we rate them on literary excellence and their compatibility with a biblical worldview. We also offer practical resources and thought-provoking reflections to help you choose books and read with discernment.
If parents and educators are equipped to engage with children’s and teen’s books in light of Christ and culture, then they are better able to shepherd the imaginations in their care.
Sunday Rest
The RR team enjoys a day of rest on Sunday. Be patient with comment moderation and answers to any queries posted or emailed on Sunday. We will attend to them as soon as we can.
Kids' Books. Culture. Christ.
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