Katy and the Big Snow is pitch perfect as a kindergarten/early elementary age read aloud.
Katy and the Big Snow by Virginia Lee Burton. HMH Books for Young Readers, 1943. 40 pages.
- Reading Level: Picture Books, ages 4-8
- Recommended for: Ages 0-8

Only Virginia Lee Burton could craft as lovable a tractor-pushing-snowplow as Katy. Although she pushes a bulldozer in the summer, the focus of the book is on Katy’s untiring hard work on behalf of the town of Geopolis during a winter snowstorm.
Given the intense snow we’ve already seen this winter*, new readers will appreciate Katy’s effort anew. Burton fills the pages with so many interesting elements: a crash course in orienteering and using a compass, information on different types of vehicles, mention of many “community helpers,” weather, seasons, and the passage of time. In fact, Katy and the Big Snow is a perfect kindergarten book. The text will offer sufficient challenge for advanced readers at that age, but it also works as a read aloud.
Bottom Line: Katy and the Big Snow is pitch perfect as a kindergarten/early elementary age read aloud.
Related Reading at Redeemed Reader:
- Book Review: Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel has also aged well!
- Book Review: The Powers of Snow is a book all about math in snow.
- Resource: Wintry Picture Books — a booklist with more snow books!
*This post was originally published in 2014; the format has been updated in 2024.
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