A World Wonder cheerfully celebrates the real world wonders and reminds readers to fully invest in both their work and the people around them.
A World Wonder by Laura Wifler, illustrated by Janna Mattia. Ten Peaks Press, 2024. 32 pages.

Reading Level: Picture books, ages 4-8
Recommended for: ages 4-8
Cora sees a house, set back from the main roads, up on a hill. It was a nice house, “well-tended” even. But no one in town seems to care about it. Cora knows it could be a world wonder. What would Cora do with it? Open an amusement park! Turn it into a BnB and offer muffins and popcorn.
Cora grows up and becomes an architect. She designs stadiums, museums, schools, factories. But none of them qualifies (in her own mind) as a “world wonder.” When she retires, what house does she buy? The house at the top of the hill, of course. It, like Cora, is a little older, a little more tired.
Cora begins to fix up the little house, focusing first on the basics (repairs, starting a garden). Along the way, she’s dreaming of what she could do with this little house, what “world wonder” she could create. Before she decides, she begins helping neighbors, children, townspeople with various projects. When a reporter tracks down Cora, the world-famous architect, she knows what her “world wonder” is.
Cheerful colors and lively art help tell Cora’s story, bringing her imagination to life.
Bottom Line: A World Wonder is a fun and engaging read for children about pursuing their callings and loving their neighbors.
Also at Redeemed Reader:
- Review: Like Me is another picture book by Laura Wifler; this one honors physical disability.
- Review: Who Are You? by Christina Fox is another lovely recent picture book by a Christian author.
- Review: Built to Last by Dan Santat is another picture book that celebrates the power of imagination while also acknowledging the need for community.
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